I care very much. I am so sorry about the pain you have been through and the pain it is causing you now to recall - but I can only believe it is cleansing for the soul. I'm ready to read when you're ready to write again.
Yet more produce from the garden
I went outside to check on Fleck the broody Serama hen and give her some
fresh food and water.I then spent 5 mins in the veg garden and OrchardThis
is what...
No More Possessions
De-accessing has been my mantra of late. Why do I have so many THINGS? Do I
really need a yellowed copy of every newspaper article I’ve ever published?
Do ...
What is Quality
Quality and the Art of Purpose Maintenance
By Eolake Stobblehouse
In the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig wrote
a bestselling ...
Stop Baldness using neo hair treatment
Cease hair thinning using Neo Hair Lotion. You can buy special discount
ตัวแทนจำหน่าย Neo Hair Lotion. If you’re presently shedding yours, there’s
A New Direction
The blog is ending, but our coverage of caregiving and aging is not. The
New Old Age will run as a twice-monthly column by Paula Span on nytimes.com
and fr...
Pstars and Pstripes
Pstars and Pstripes!It's that time of year when you can eat the entire
United States, one crunchy state at a time. Stop in for Pstars and
Pstripes – a Ps...
Dot, Dot, What a Girl I've Got!!
Hey Everybody! Meet Dottie, the newest Emery family addition! That blur
in the background is her tail wagging furiously. This happens pretty
Just a Quickie!!
And no, I’m not referring to sex – for once!! I’m talking about a quick
post!! Yesterday, as I was posting, I suddenly had an idea!! A good one
that I will...
Spirit of Christmas
This year, I am trying to reclaim Christmas.
The last three Christmases I took a pass - 2006 it was just three weeks
after Charles died and I was pretty...
I care very much. I am so sorry about the pain you have been through and the pain it is causing you now to recall - but I can only believe it is cleansing for the soul. I'm ready to read when you're ready to write again.
Okay, here I go, Miss Sheila. ARGH!
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