Wednesday, July 7, 2010

KABOOM! How to Make Airports Secure!

From my smart pal in today's mail:

Get ride of those embarassing full-body scanners at the airports which prove to the security line that you have huge breasts or a tiny penis. Now you can step into a booth that will detonate any explosive device on anyone's body.

You'll feel completely secure at the airport terminal every time you hear another muffled explosion because you know your plane ride will be perfectly safe!

We'll save money without those long, expensive 'terrorist' trials and arguments about racial profiling. Nope, justice will be swift and certain. Case and casket closed!

And there'll be the added benefit of hearing the airport announcer say, "Attention standby passengers! We now have a seat available on flight number..."


Shirley Landis VanScoyk said...

Is this your idea? BECAUSE IT IS BRILLIANT! Absolutely. Just definitive! Perfect. I will vote for the person who brings this into being!!!

Reed Stevens said...

The exploding security box came from an email that's afloat in the web. But I added my own special touches such as the teeny penis. Some news outlet recently reported that a fat security worker testing the scanner went attacked his coworkers who teased him about the size of his you know what.

Reed Stevens said...

Note to self: read the damn message before hitting the button.